Ignou MAAN Project

Anthropology is a major field of study that deals with human behavior and cultures. Ignou MAAN project are one way that anthropologists can get their research done. A MAAN project is a research project where participants work together in order to achieve a common goal. The goals of this anthropology project are often different from those of the original participant’s group.

A MAAN report is not as difficult as it seems when you first begin reading about it.

Table of Contents

  1. Ignou MANP Project Work
  2. MAAN Project Topics
  3. Eligibility of Project Mentor
  4. Project Report Structure
  5. Presentation of References
  6. Submission of MANP 001 Project
  7. Submission Date
  8. Download Anthropology Project Handbook

Brief About MAAN Dissertation of Ignou

We will give you instructions and suggestions on how to conduct this course’s project work and the benefits. This project work can only be used for one credit. Your Ignou MAAN Project work can only be allocated a maximum of 30 hours. This 30 hour time can be broken down into three hours per day, or as required by the project.

As the course aims to make anthropology an applied science that can be put into practice, project work is an essential requirement. The project work will reflect the methods and approaches learned at the end and beginning of the course. However, the central lessons may serve as examples or concerns that can be applied. This final practical Block, which is based on the seven lessons, will prepare you for a variety of career opportunities in anthropological fields. This project should be based upon concepts and aspects that can be applied to practicing and applied Anthropology.

You will likely decide on any topic or concern that can be researched anthropologically. You will, among other things start by reading relevant literature. This will help you to go further convincingly and systematically.

Ignou MAAN Project Work

After having given you a general overview of what the project work would entail, let’s now discuss the purpose and meaning of this course. Research is an integral part of anthropology. It helps us understand the subject better. It fosters the development of the subject through new insights.

The practice of anthropology as a sub-discipline in anthropology is a step beyond where anthropological knowledge becomes an act for improving society. As mentioned, this project work will help the learner practice conducting research in a manner that brings about change in various areas of society. These fields can be from social to biological.

All of them require improvement and positive change. These projects may serve as models for real change. Project work is a way to start research and investigate.

MAAN Project & Dissertation

Research is how we find and acquire knowledge. This is done through a Ignou MAAN Project Work approach. Research is defined as the systematic and organized pursuit of relevant data on any subject. The way you search for and use design knowledge will determine how the final project will turn out. You can choose a subject or theme from either biological anthropology, social anthropology, or both. As mentioned earlier, this project work will be a key part of your development as an anthropologist.

You will gain a greater understanding of the subject and its connections through your fieldwork. You will be able to use this platform to advance your professional career. You must decide at the beginning what issue you wish to tackle and formulate hypotheses if necessary. While you will have a mentor to help you with this project, it is your responsibility to create and direct the work.

Anthropology Project Report Writing

Your report is the documentation of your entire research process. It takes a lot of work to design and finish a Ignou anthropology project report writing. Without the ability to conduct research, a project report cannot be created. There are some essential steps to creating a project report. First, define the project you wish to complete. You must first identify the problem. A problem must be logically and analytically oriented.

A well-defined research problem is essential for solving the problem from an operational perspective. The research design is another important step. There are many types of research designs. Your project will require you to place emphasis on practicing or applied anthropology. Therefore, your design should be appropriate for your project.

It is important to identify the universe and the unit of research. It is important to keep in mind the objectives and goals of the research and to focus on the problem. This will help you get clear results. Every important aspect of your research project should be explained in terms that are practical.

The methodology that will be used to solve the problem should be included in the research plan. The research plan should include detailed information about the methods to be used. It is important to include a description of the population being studied, the method by which the sample is to identified, and any statistical methods used to process the data in the research plan. The report’s analytical section will provide a clear overview of how you came to your conclusions and suggest ways forward.

MAAN Dissertation Topics

The project should include anthropological topics, themes, or concerns that are relevant to the course on practicing anthropology. Below is a list of descriptive MAAN dissertation topics that will help you to decide what topic to choose for your project. This is only a sample list. You should give yourself plenty of space to be original and include something about your topic.

This can lead to new knowledge and can be useful for society. Ignou MAAN dissertation work should encourage you to think creatively and explore your own topic and area of interest beyond what is on the list. These ideas may help you choose a topic for Practicing Anthropology.

  1. Migration from villages and availability of jobs in urban areas
  2. Union Bodies in Corporate Homes
  3. Mall Attraction and Mall Behavior
  4. The Cultural Understanding of Illness, and Its Significance in Delivering Remedies
  5. A Study of T-shirts in All Shops and Their Different Sizes
  6. Hope for Better Living: Small Exotic Eateries Emerge in Tourist Spots
  7. Investigation of Crime Scene with Forensic Tools
  8. Genetic Counselling for Couples
  9. Infrastructure for Local Schools/ Colleges

These are just examples. You may be able to think of other themes. You can choose the one that you feel most at ease and can relate to. This will increase your curiosity to research and help you create a unique piece of work that reflects your anthropological knowledge.

MAAN Project Topics


A study of nutritional status of preschool children

A study of nutritional status of diabetic women

A study of climate change in India

A study of biodiversity of Jim Corbet National park


A Study OF Menstrual hygiene practices and beliefs among rural Adolescent girls

A study of work life balance among working women in government offices

A study of hypertension among people of XYZ city


A study on the knowledge, attitude’s and practices about earthquake preparedness

A study of consumer behavior towards shopping malls in xyz city

A study of violation of human rights of women

You can expand your project work by taking it to the mandatory course Fieldwork and Ignou MAAN dissertation. With the guidance of a mentor, the student can create a problem for the project and then begin to work with it once they have received the approval.

Below are the formats for the cover and first pages. Reports can be up to 10,000 words (or ten thousand). The Ignou MAAN project report is spiral bound and typed on A4 sheets. The report does not include photographs, including those taken by the learner on the field. English should be used to write the report.

This project work must be completed as part of MAAN, your second-year compulsory course. Successful completion of your project work is required for the award of the degree.

You must earn at least 50% to be eligible for this course. We prefer to see a copy of your completed Ignou MAAN Project. When choosing a topic, keep these two things in mind: the expected time you will spend studying and the length of your work.

Eligibility of Ignoy MAAN Project Mentor

A mentor will guide you through your Project Work.

A mentor is someone who is knowledgeable in applied or practice anthropology, and can help learners choose the right topic.

The person must hold a high-ranking position at any university or institute. Before you begin project work, please send the MAAN Coordinator at IGNOU New Delhi a brief bio-data and the synopsis/project proposal.

Before you start the project, it is possible to discuss the plan with the Course Coordinator at IGNOU.

Write the following on the envelope containing your research proposal:


Send your latest submission by 31 May for the January session
July session: submit by November 30th

Project Report Structure

The report is the product of a project. Therefore, it should be presented with care. Following is a recommended structure

The title of the project work

Table of Contents

List of Tables and Photographs

Acknowledgements for Project Work


Literature Review

Study Area and People

Materials and Methods

Data Analysis and Results (to appear in chapters, sections, or paragraphs).

Conclusions and Findings

If your project requires it, a Model of Formulated Plan/Policy

The Tools like Questionnaires, Interview Guides etc. Used in the Project Work

Presentation of References

You must acknowledge the source in your text, and provide detailed information in the form references. References allow the reader to quickly see the source of the inquiry that is the basis for your project. Citations are a great way to identify sources, theories, and interpretations that have been derived from other sources. Citations also help the reader analyze your work. Citations enable the reader to assess the accuracy of your quotations as well as your understanding of the material. Ignou synopsis helps student in composing Ignou MAAN project

Submission of MAAN Project

One copy of the Project Work must be submitted to RSC Registrar. You can submit the project work/dissertation by insured registered mail/insured fast post, or by hand to the Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068.

MAAN PROJECT RELEASE (MANP-001) should be clearly written on the envelope’s top. This will make it easier to sort the project reports received from IGNOU’s SED. You can submit the project work/dissertation in one of these slots: in April each year to be accountable in June Term End Examination or in October each calendar year to be accountable in December Term End Exam.

Submission Date of MAAN Projects of Ignou

Here is the schedule for submitting Final Reports for July/January Academic Sessions:

For June Term End Examination, for July Session. Before 31st Oct (for December End Examination)

for January Session. Submission of the Project Dissertation (one-copy) to: The Register (SED) IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068

Download Anthropology Project Handbook

Download Anthropology Project Handbook (2168 downloads )