Writing Ignou MTTM Project in 6 Simple Steps

A project work is a requirement if you want to be an expert in the field of tourism. The basic steps you will need to follow, regardless of whether you are writing a Ignou project on ecotourism, dark tourism, or cultural tourism, are the same. These steps are essential for success.

How to Write a Tourism Dissertation

Choose a narrow topic.

For your Ignou MTTM project work, you should choose a specific topic related to tourism. You might, for example, conduct research on ways to make tourists more comfortable in a specific region.

Do a thorough study

You will need to choose a specific method for your project research depending on the topic. Discuss your topic with your supervisor and use it to guide you in gathering data and conducting tests.

Draw an outline

Before you begin the writing process, plan the contents for each chapter of your text. Your dissertation will be more structured and easier to read.

Create a draft for your Proposal

Begin with the most straightforward chapter. When the body chapters are complete, it is a good idea to start writing an introduction and a conclusion. Your text should not be too long or short.

Research Methodology

The research methodology will describe the methods used to test your hypotheses. Discuss your research questions with your thesis supervisor. This chapter should describe data collection instruments. They will differ depending on which method you use. If you’re conducting an original survey, the instrument will include your survey questions and directions for respondents. Your instrument is your “guide” for qualitative interviews.

You should outline the methods which you have used to analyze the data while performing the survey. Each analysis of data will differ based on the kind of data and the design of the study.

It is highly recommended that you work closely with your thesis supervisor when performing quantitative data analysis. Your data analysis is ultimately your responsibility. For example, while your supervisor might show you how to use SPSS (a statistical package) to analyze variance, it is up to you to actually run the data for your thesis. There are two of the most commonly used statistical packages, SAS and SPSS, available at many campus computing labs.


Next, you need to go through your paper and remove any mistakes that were made in the writing process. Some paragraphs may need to be rewritten to make them more relevant.

Complete Your Project Work

Last, add any sections required by your project guidelines. For example, the title page, appendix, annexure etc. If you face any issue in composing your Ignou project or need Ignou mttm project topics, hire our project writing experts. Our writer will help you